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yoga exercises for weight loss


Every person in this world nowadays has realized the significance of yoga. Yoga is that comprehensive package that targets at total cleansing of your body- mentally, physically as well as spiritually. We can’t deny how rejuvenated and full of energy we feel if we start our day with yoga. But not only that, some yoga asanas for weight loss are so effectual that some yoga asanas will also help you reduce weight and get that fit body that you always dream of. It’s possible with some efforts and determination. So now we know those 10 yoga asanas that will help in losing weight if you practice them regularly.

These yogic asanas will add more flexibility, metabolism, and building up your core and stamina. With the numerous twists, bends, and inversions, you open up your inactive or rather rusted muscles that have been speeding up your weight loss.

Some of the Yoga asanas and yoga tips for weight loss are as given below.

  1. Chaturanga Dandasana – Plank Pose
    Best for a core crunch, Chaturanga dandasana looks straightforward enough. But the intensity of the benefit only feels through that pose.

It can only be known if you are in it; actually, it can be intense to your abdominal muscles.

  1. Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose
    Toning of the thighs and shoulders, along with improved concentration, are some of the effective results through the warrior pose. The longer you hold that pose, the better the results get. Within just minutes of Virabhadrasana, you’re going to get tighter quads.

Warrior pose is aligned to stretch the entire back end, legs, and arms while strengthening your balance. In addition, it helps sculpt the tummy and give you a flat belly provided that you contract your abdominal muscles as you hold the position.

  1. Trikonasana – Triangle pose
    It is further a very beneficial asana to increase digestion & melt the fat stored in the belly & waist. It strengthens and enhances blood circulation in the body. The lateral movement of this asana burns more body fat from the waist and develops more muscles in the thighs and hamstrings. It also enhances balance & concentration.
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog Pose
    Adho Mukha Svanasana tones your entire body with a little extra attention to specific muscles.

It helps strengthen the arms, thighs, hamstring, and back. Holding this pose and concentrating on your breathing engages your muscles and tones them, improves concentration, and blood circulation.

  1. Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose
    Sarvangasana brings many benefits, including strength increase and ease of digestion, but it’s mainly known for boosting metabolism and balancing thyroid levels.
    Sarvangasana or shoulder stand strengthens the upper body, abdominal muscles, and legs, and this pose strengthens the respiratory system and induces sleep.
  2. Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge pose
    The Bridge pose tones the muscles, regulation of the digestive hormones improves the thyroid levels. It fortifies the back and decreases back ache.
  3. Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutation Pose
    Surya Namaskara or Sun Salutation does much more than warm up your muscles and get the blood flowing. It stretches and tones most of the major muscles, trims the waist, tones the arms, stimulates the digestive system, and balances the metabolism.

Power Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
Power Yoga is a full power yoga which rejuvenates your mind and body.

It is a cardiovascular exercise that develops endurance and strength as well. Power Yoga brings about weight loss and keeps your body and life stress-free and healthy. Moreover, it increases stamina, flexibility, and mental concentration as well.

⭐️The Power Yoga Poses give you the advantage of yoga and more including
⭐️Help burn calories, a bit more than yoga for beginners
⭐️Increase your metabolism
⭐️Strength general well-being
⭐️Useful to build up strength, stamina, flexibility and tones the body
⭐️Increases concentration
⭐️Helps one relax as tension and stress are considerably reduced.
⭐️Yoga and better sleep
⭐️But the practice of yoga helps improve your quality of sleep. You’d feel that you can fall asleep easily and even more profoundly with a daily yoga practice. Ideally, you should sleep between 6 and 9 hours each night.

Quality sleep is often related to weight loss. In 2018, it was shown that individuals with the sleep restriction are losing fat five times a week. But interestingly, there was a group which followed their usual sleeping patterns but at the time of keeping calories low. This could indicate a negative influence of lost sleep on the body composition, especially on the level of fat.

Yoga nidra is a form of guided relaxation that is going to help you sleep more profoundly as well as increase your mindfulness. You can also set intentions during yoga nidra, which might help you develop your weight loss goals.

A small 2018 study found that health care workers who did yoga nidra for 8 weeks increased their levels of mindfulness. This mindfulness included acting with awareness and not judging inner experiences.

Their sleepiness levels were not significantly different at follow-up, although this score did improve the longer that people did the practice. Larger, more in-depth studies are needed to expand on these findings.

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