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Yoga for stress relief


Why Yoga for Stress Relief?

Life is stressful. For one thing, there is your schedule-your very-early-morning wake-up to go to school, studying late at night for tests, sports practice, homework, and trying to eat. That's a lot to juggle!

Everyday concerns can add up and become a source of emotional stress: counseling a friend through a breakup, regretting a fight with a parent, weighing an important decision, or stressing about whether you'll make final cuts for the varsity team. With so much on your mind, it may be easy to feel stressed.

There are many ways of coping with stress: talking with friends, exercising, and seeing a school counsellor are just a few. Yoga is effective in reducing stress because it provides time to relax-the natural opposite of stress. In fact, yoga helps all three aspects of ourself which are most affected by stress - namely, our body, mind, and breathing.

It's not necessary to wait until you're stressed out and it shouldn't be! Individuals who practice just a little yoga each day usually find they are better able to handle it when life gets a little crazy. Yoga will help develop your capability for calming, focusing, balancing, and relaxing yourself.

Cat-Cow Pose Marjaryasana to Bitilasana = This pose marries your breath into movement as you still your mind and release any tension. Allow your breath to lead each subtle movement.

Start in a tabletop position.
Place your wrists underneath yours shoulders and yours knees underneath your hips.
As you inhale, look up towards the ceiling and let your belly drop towards your mat, draping your back. This is Cow Pose.
As you exhale, draw your chin to your chest and round your spine towards the ceiling, into a catlike position. Continue to flow between these two postures for 1 minute.

Child's Pose - Balasana
Child pose helps create an inward focus and restore energy. It also supports mental and physical relaxation.
Place a cushion under your forehead, torso, or thighs for more support.
From a kneeling position, place your knees together or slightly apart.
Sit back onto heels. Fold forward at the hips and lower the forehead to your mat. Stretch your arms out in front of you or alongside of your legs. Let your torso melt into your thighs. Breathe deeply and begin working on release. Hold up to 5 minutes.

Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose - Viparita Karani
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose deeply relaxes the body, regulates lymph flow, and circulates the blood. Sit on the floor with your body facing a wall, as close to the wall as possible. Roll back, and place your legs up the wall with your knees extended. Place your hips close to the wall or a few inches away. Put your arms at your sides, or place one hand on your stomach and one hand on your chest. You can stay in this position for as long as 15 minutes.

Savasana - Corpse Pose
In this asana, with every deep inhalation, release all tension and let your mind relax. Then lie on your back with your feet falling slightly wider than your hips. Permit the toes to splay out to the sides. Place your arms along the body in a 45-degree angle. Align the head, neck, and shoulders with your spine. Take deep inhalation and release completely into the body. Stay in this position for 10-20 minutes.

Stick Pose: Yastikasana
Lie on your back on the floor with your legs extended and your feet together. Take your arms up over your head to rest them on the ground, arms parallel to each other. Inhaling from this position, stretch your body as long as possible, extending through the fingers and the toes, reaching toward something at either end of you. Hold for five to 10 seconds, breathing deeply. Release and repeat two to three times.
How it helps relieve stress: You know that when you're stressed, your muscles tense up, and that can lead to all sorts of issues, including bad posture. By doing stick pose, you help relax some of the muscles leading to faulty posture; help improve circulation throughout your body, says Jain. It also improves breathing to ease stress.
Reclining Bound Angle With Bolster.
Place a bolster-you can also use several folded-up blankets, or a rolled up towel-lengthwise on your mat and lie back on the bolster/blankets so that they support your spine, neck, and head. Your tailbone and hips should be off of the bolster and resting on the floor. Bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall open wide. Place blocks, pillows, or rolled-up towels underneath each thigh or knees, if necessary. Reach your arms out to the sides down below shoulder height with your palms up. Close your eyes and stay here for as long as five minutes.

How it helps relieve stress: This asana stretches and relaxes the pelvic area muscles for women in menstrual discomfort. The chest opening will also allow a better breathing pattern and, thus, reduced levels of stress. You will get a nice inner thigh and hip stretch.

Legs Up the Wall Pose.
Sit with one side of your body against the wall. Lying back from the position onto your back, slide your legs up to extend them on the wall, feet together or hip-width
hips apart, ankles released. If you feel any tightness in your lower body, move your hips a few inches away from the wall. Allow your arms to drop alongside your body, palms facing up. You can stay anywhere from one to five minutes, but if at anytime you feel tingling or numbness in your feet, come out sooner, moving slowly.

How it helps relieve stress: This pose triggers relaxation by reversing the direction of circulation of the body and blood. "It also soothes the brain to a no-thought state," Jain explains.

Yoga for belly fat.


Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)​
The sun salutations are postures that develop flow in movement, stretching, and strengthening diverse muscle groups. The integration of forward bends, lunges, and downward-facing dog pose energizes circulation, greatly quickens metabolism, and provides flexibility to the joints. You should do 10-15 sets of Sun Salutations every day for effective weight loss.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

According Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, yoga guru, founder, Akshar Yoga Kendraa, "Warrior II pose works on strengthening the legs, arms, and core muscles while engaging balance and concentration. By holding the posture and engaging the muscles, you can increase calorie burn and tone your thighs and glutes. To intensify the pose, sink deeper into the lunge, elongate the spine, and extend the arms out to the sides.

​​Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Chair pose is an active standing pose that involves the quadriceps, glutes, and core muscles. This exercise has you sitting back into an imaginary chair while you lift your arms up overhead, working multiple muscle groups and sending heart rates up, which in turn means more calories burned. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, breathing easily.

  1. Dhanurasana - Bow Pose
    Though it looks simple, this one's a killer on your abs, which will go without saying to strengthen them.
    How to do it:
  • Lie down on the floor with your face down.
  • Bend your knees and hold your feet with your hands.
  • Inhale and lift up both your hands and feet, raising your thighs and chest in the process.
  • Hold for up to 30 seconds, working up to 90 seconds.
  • Release with an exhalation.
  1. Kumbhakasana (The plank)
    Undoubtedly the most-liked and well-known of postures, the plank pose is amongst the best postures to burn your tummy fat and tone your muscles.

How to perform:

  • Lie face down.
  • Lift your body up onto straightened arms
  • Balance on your toes
  • Face forward or down
  • Hold for as long as possible, rest, and repeat a few more times. Gradually increase the duration each day in this position.4. Naukasana (Boat pose)
    This is another pose that works fabulously on your side and front tummy muscles and strengthens your core. How to perform:
  • Lie down on the ground facing the ceiling.
  • Keep your hands by your side and relax your shoulders. Keep your legs straight.
  • Now slowly raise your hands and legs together from the ground, hold your belly in and above the ground at all times.
  • Reach a 45 degree angle till your body is in a V-shape. Hold for 60 seconds and practice deep breathing.
  1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
    This is a slightly tougher pose. So ensure to do this only when you are not suffering from any back issues. How to perform:
  • Kneel on to the floor with your knees hip width and your thighs straight and perpendicular to the floor.

Rest your hands on the top of your buttocks, fingers pointing down and slightly arch the back inwards.

Slowly lean back and touch, then hold the heels with your hands. Straighten the spine but do not strain the neck.

Hold up to one minute.

Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, is a back-bending yoga asana that helps in stretching and strengthening the muscles of your back. This asana stimulates the digestive system, too, which is great for weight loss.

Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend is a yoga asana that stretches the hamstrings and lower back. This asana helps improve digestion and removes toxins from the body, thus helping in shedding those extra kgs.

Halasana, also known as Plough Pose, is a form of Yoga Asana, which involves the stretching the spine and shoulder. This asana helps in proper digestion and removal of toxins of the body, which indirectly can help reduce weight.

Matsyasana, also referred to as Fish Pose, is a yoga asana that effectively serves to stretch the neck and shoulders. The thyroid gland, when stimulated with this asana, can be effective for people who want to lose weight.

Components of physical fitness.


Physical fitness has several elements. Various sports activities and physical exercises develop each component in different extents. For example, sports involving constant movements, such as swimming and running, enhance heart and lung efficiency, while gymnastics enhance flexibility. The type components of physical fitness are described below.


 Strength is an ability of muscles to overcome resistance. It major component of physical fitness. It can also be defined as the amount of force, which can be exerted by a muscles group. The strength of the body can be measured in pounds or dynes. For better understanding, strength can be divided into new parts- 1. Dynamic strength

 2. Static strength

 Dynamic strength are three types; 1.Maximum strength

2. Explosive strength

3.Strength endurance


 Speed may be defined as the ability or capacity of an individual to perform a movement of the same pattern at a faster rate. In fact, speed characteristics the ability of one's moving body as fast as possible, especially when running different types of fast movement and quick reactions. This movement speed is much more than just the speed of running; it encompasses the speed of parts of the body. Such as explosive strength of the shot-putter'S body across the throwing circle, or the speed of a gymnast's in-hand spring. 


 Endurance is another component of physical fitness just like speed and strength. It is the ability to sustain an activity. also defines the ability to resist fatigue. In all sports, endurance is directly or indirectly high important. It is usually measured by the number of repetition. basically, there are two types of endurance. 1.Short- term 2.Long- term 


Flexibility is a necessary components for physical fitness. it is the range of movement of joints. An individual, who has proper flexibility, can perform his work very easily. Such people seem to be attractive. Usually, they trend to have good personality. it is not only significant for an individual in his daily life. Range of movement is the most significance factors in sports but also equity varies significantly from joints to joints but depends onthe structure of the surrounding tendons, ligaments and muscle tissues. There are two types of flexibility- 1. Passive 2.activeTwo types of flexibility are:. static. Dynamic

Coordinative abilities

 to Before 1980, speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and agility were considered the main components of physical fitness, but after that the term agility changed into coordinative abilities. The term agility was discontinued because it was not clearly defined and there was no unanimity in explaining its meaning. So, nowadays coordinative abilities is used in place of agility. Coordinative mainly depend on the central nervous system. if we take the above - mention points into consideration, coordinative abilities can be improved.


best workouts to burn fat.


best exercises to burn body fat.
Since most kinds of physical activities can contribute to weight loss by increasing calories you burn, all types of exercises are efficient for our bodies. But some exercises can help us in quick weight loss.

.Like walking: the freshers who initiate work-out programs can do this exercise because it is one of the best workout exercises to do for the freshers. It's a low impacted exercise that opens your leg muscles. For aged people also, walking turns out to be the best way to get rid of body fat.
weight. It strengthens your body. It Supports Your Joints .

jogging : jogging and do burn
visceral fat. This is the quickest means of losing body weight. It
gets your body warm up.
Its physical benefits:
Cardiovascular Health
. weight management
. Muscle Strength and Tone
. bone density
. Immune System Boost
. Improved Respiratory Function
It Mental and Emotional Benefits
. stress relief
. better sleep
. mental focus
. mood enhancement
. mental clarity

Cycling: cycling is no-weight bearing. It helps you to
open your joints. It reduces your legs fat fast and belly fat
also. Improved quality of life. a regular cycling person
always away from joint injury.
Types of adventures sports:
1. Rock climbing
2. Trekking
3. Mountaineering
4. Paragliding
5. surfing

Asian Chinese professional cyclist athlete sportsman sprinting cycling in rural area

Rock climbing= it is one of the most
dangerous sports activities which require a strong
mental control, agility, flexibility, endurance and
various coordinative abilities such as balance,
coordination, reaction, ability, rhythm,etc in fact, it is
A activity in which participants climb on natural rock
There are different types of climbing, such as aid
climbing, free climbing, trad or traditional climbing,
sport climbing etc.

trekking= it is not an easy task to do. Indeed,
it needs a lot of courage and confidence along with a
strong physique. A trek is a long journey om foot,
especially in the mountains. Trekking refers to
making the long and difficult journey on the
mountain for pleasures or sport. It improves the
cardiovascular system. It also improve the general
health condition.

mountaineering= it is about putting hands and feet
onto rocks and ice and finally reaching a summit.n
Mountaineering is an adventures sport that combines
climbing and hiking up mountain or mountain
terrains.there are various reasons why most of the
enthusiastic individuals take parts in mountaineering.
In fact, it challenges an individuals capabilities and

paragliding= paragliding is a recreational and
competitive adventure sport of flying paragliding:
lightweight, free-flying, foot- launched glider aircra�
with no rigid primary structure. It is the closed for
humans to get teh feeling of flying like a bird. It is
fun,safe way to experience flight in its simplest form.
It weight less then 20 kilo and easily fits into a
backpack paragliders are restricted from flying above
18000 feet.

surfing = surfing is an water sport in which a
Person rides waves, usually in the ocean. People, in
what is now Hawaii, were surfing before explorer
Christopher Columbus sailed to the New World in 1492.
Body surfing provides a sense of balance and gives a
knowledge of waves that is good for training in all
other aquatic surfing events
Benefits of surfing:
1. Improves cardiovascular fitness.
2. Shoulder and back are strengthened.
3. Develops leg strength.
4. To spend time outdoors and enjoy the natural
5. A great way of releasing stress and tension.
Then the bodysurfers perform a scissors kick, in which
they spread their legs out and then quickly close
them in towards the shore.

Types of Exercise to Make a Great Workout Routine:
aerobic exercises: the aerobic workout can be any forms of workouts which raise
your heartbeat and even melt away your calories also. Example:
jogging, jumping, running, rope skipping, cycling. Workout heats up
your body.
Weight training: Exercise doesn't imply you need to lift heavy weights, but you must lift weights. Exercises help in making your muscles strong and also build up your muscle mass. Example-weight lifting, body push-up, etc. Flexibility: You all require flexibility in your body; exercise reduces the risk of injury, increases the flexibility of muscles. Static stretching and dynamic stretching. Duration 2-3 times in weeks. For ex -yoga. High-Intensity Interval Training: Exercise helps improve Cardiovascular
Increase in fitness and burn more calories in lesser time. For ex: circuit training
Duration = 1 - 2 times a week
The benefits of exercises are many and they are effective on
your body. Exercising affects every part of your body. Regular
physical activities give effective results to your body and for
a long period of life. For any disease, the best medicines are
yoga or exercise. So, in your daily life, you should add 3 to 4
exercises daily in a day. So start doing exercise on a regular
basis. Exercise only affects you when you do exercise on a
regular basis and in the proper way.

Importance of exercise


When we talk about exercises, various questions come to the mind.
.Why are exercises essential to us?
.How is it beneficial for us?
.Why should we do daily exercise?
.What reasons will it give to do exercises?
.I am doing proper exercises with proper technicals or not?

To have a healthy long life and disease-free life, so do exercise on a daily basis. It makes your muscles, bones strong and active. Exercise helps you to improve your body endurance. We all know that exercises are beneficial for our body. But did you have any idea? Exercises can also elevate your moods, improve sleep, and help reduce things like depression, anxiety, and stress. You should ensure the exercise you are doing is in proper posture and technique. If you do it in the wrong way, exercises may be harmful to your body. Exercises also help increase your capacity in the body. Exercises help in enhancement in many things, for example:
Body strength
Muscle strength
Body pains


Stress-free, a disease-free life If one wants to live a healthy and wealthy life:
Feeling more energetic every day, losing body fat are some of your desires, and you want a long happy life. You need to keep your body healthy. The advantages can happen when you do routine regular exercise.
It keeps your heart active; exercise generates flexibility in your body, while exercises open up your muscles. We should do exercises daily because it keeps your body hygienic, and during exercising, we can include much physical activity, for example:

It includes physical activities. Exercise keeps your mind relaxed, and it helps you change your mood. Some people are there who don't bother about their body and avoid doing exercises. They show laziness towards their body. So, I want to tell those people that in the future, they have to face dangerous diseases related to heart, liver, pcod, and many other diseases. You can take out hardly 20 to 15 minutes for your body from your busy life. That will be enough for you. A doctor also recommended doing exercises on a daily basis.

In this presentation, you can observe certain physical exercises which are good for the survival of our body. You heard that from so many years the benefits of exercises cannot be denied. Everyone gets the benefits of exercise; it does not matter whether its sex, elder, older, or children.

2. The advantages of exercise in routine basic are;
Exercise keeps your mind relaxed.
Exercise helps to open your muscles.
Exercise lose your body weight .
Exercise controls your heart disease.
Exercise gives boosts energy.
Exercise reduces your body pain.
Exercise, it may be fun.
Exercise helps in less stress .
Exercise Helps us to keep away from smoking.
Exercise gives an active body

Weight Loss - Doing exercise daily helps in cutting down extra fat and releases waste material from your body. Doing pushups, jumping jacks help to burn the amount of calories inside your body. Physical exercise also enhances your metabolic rate inside your body. Overweight means it may generate overweight-based diseases, for example,
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Heart diseases
Sleep apnea

GIVES YOU BOOSTS ENERGY -when we do physical exercises our body feels highly energetic, and it helps you to improve your endurance. Exercises help your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. When youStart doing exercises, your body never feels low energy, laziness. Exercises keep your body active.

  • Benefits of exercise on skin: Exercising is also good for healthy skin and glowing.It helps in improving your blood flow, and regular exercise helps you to improve your skin tone and texture. Exercise helps in promoting cells' growth. Exercise improves oxygen flow on your skin. It helps to develop and enhances its overall elasticity. Exercises also keep you away from wrinkles and ace face problems. Exercises lessen your stress, and your body starts feeling good and very energetic. You feel relaxed and your stress hormones decrease.